Research/ Policy/ Campaigns

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Read our report on the discriminatory impacts of the NRPF policy here: ‘Access Denied: The Cost of the ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ Policy’.

Read an executive summary here.

Read articles about the report in the Guardian and Free Movement.

This research was funded by the Strategic Legal Fund and guided by an independent advisory board of experts from Oxford University’s COMPAS, the NRPF Network and The Children’s Society.


Our day-to-day work gives us a unique overview of the inhumane impact that this policy is having. We want to bear witness to this before the government and parliament, including through:

Judicial review - we’ve been bringing the government to court over this since 2019.

Working with parliament, including by speaking to relevant All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs), producing briefings and building relationships with MPs. For example, we produced this briefing in October 2020, this joint briefing with The Children’s Society in November 2020 and gave written and oral evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee as part of their 2021/22 inquiry into the impact of NRPF on children.

Coordinating a network of organisations working towards changing the NRPF policy on a national level, including national organisations such as ILPA and The Children’s Society, regional organisations such as the GMIAU (Manchester), and small-grass roots groups led by people with lived experience of NRPF. Read more here and get in touch if you would like to join the group.

Speaking with the Home Office about the issues we’re facing. For example, in spring 2020 we coordinated a response to their deficient review of the policy; our covering letter is here and detailed response here.